What is MATLAB?
MATLAB is a widely-used tool for mathematical computations in numerics, data analysis and visualisation, mostly used by scientists and engineers.
How does it help in visualisation?
Any data set representing a point cloud can be visualised by using the Computer Vision System Toolbox. For example, we used the 3D Sydney Water Pipe data set.
% dataMatrix: mx3 matrix containing data points
% (x,y,z)
% dataColor: mx3 matrix containing data color
% (RGB from 0 to 255)
ptCloud = pointCloud(dataMatrix, 'Color', dataColor);
figure, pcshow(ptCloud);
Exporting from MATLAB
The same toolbox provides a function to write a .ply file, which can be used to export a point cloud and visualise it in Omegalib using our 3D geometry pipeline.
Omegalib: daMatlab
We have developed the Omegalib daMatlab module which is able to directly visualise MATLAB-based geometry in Omegalib. See our MATLAB tutorial series for further details.